Friday 5 December 2014

Money and the bible

Be wary of vouching for anyone else money wise. The wise and wealthy King Solomon, writing under divine direction, cautioned against cosigning, or acting as a guarantor for anyone else.

Store cards, charge cards along with other forms of short term installment loans can result in severefinance issues. When the lowest repayment on the charge is a minimal amount, we consider that an extra purchase is only going to increase the payment by a few dollars, so we buy more.

When there's no financial strategy, there is no regulation on consuming. Whatever we fork out starts to go over what we earn, and this can lead possibly to a shortfall at month’s end or a switching to charge cards to make payments.

  • Point out that The lord supplies our necessities and that one can get out of debt and keep control of finances expeditiously.

  • Prayer has to be a fundamental starting place in financial organizing.

  • Coveting is often at the root of the Christian's debt condition. Greed is wrong and should be challenged.

  • Christians need to comprehend that God is expecting us to be sensible stewards of what he has granted. He demanded this of people in the Old Testament and he has required it of people ever since.

  • Your money must be invested realistically. This means always keeping out of arrears whenever possible. The Holy bible gives little sanction for credit card buying. In Paul's letter to the Romans we are advised to pay our income taxes honestly and then to “Pay your debts as they come due.”

    If we borrow, we are servants or slaves to other people and this can cause several individual and interpersonal challenges.

    Materialism is a mind-set which leads us to pursue money, property, pleasures, and the luxuries of life.

    Economic troubles may be caused significantly less by the possession or nonpossession of success and more because of the thought patterns that we have toward money and trappings.

    One particular spiritual teaching that people have a hard time believing is that those people who are careless with very little sums of money are sloppy as well with considerable amounts.

    Personal problems, household conflict, community strife, driving ambition, suicidal thoughts, along with a multitude of other difficulties now and then are all related precisely or in a roundabout way to the quest as well as management of finance.

    The tale has already been told related to some wealthy North american business men that had a meeting in 1921. The group included probably the most successful speculator in the world, a cabinet member, and the presidents of the Bank of International Settlements, the biggest steel corporation in the usa, the largest utility firm, and the main energy company. A few years in the future, all the business men were dead. Five had committed suicide, several had been fined and jailed, two had gone insane, and two or more died in poverty. Almost all had been ruined because of the Great Depression of the 1930s. At a time when numerous regular members of society minimised their budgets and went on living, these men had been wiped out since their own lifestyles ended up being focused entirely on the pursuit of money. After the cash disappeared, there was little motive for carrying on with life.

    The lord provides every one of our needs, expects all of us to have confidence in him for our finances, and has demonstrated that we don't have to be concerned with regards to finding enough.

    Occasionally, The lord chooses to give only the barest personal needs.

    Money and assets can be destructive. The wealthy young ruler who came to Jesus with a theological dilemma wandered away mourning when he heard the order to give everything he acquired to the poor. Apparently a real love for money averted his spiritual development.

    Jesus declared that regardless of whether we have abundance, real life contains more than possessions.

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