- There are a lot more muscles in the upper body other than the Latissimus Dorsi and Levator Scapulae.
- In case you are finding it difficult to develop muscle size and definition, be careful not to make the mistake of adding many more sets of the Pull Up to your strength workouts.
- Too much time spent weight lifting in any one fitness workout, can in fact lower testosterone (and libido) levels and also contribute to classic overtraining symptoms such as: always feeling drained, increased basal metabolic rate and negative n2 balance.
- You may well be training your Lats, Rhomboids and Posterior Deltoids even more than you appreciate, not just when doing compound movements such as the Pull Up in your strength training sessions.
- You could potentially overwork specific muscle groups if you are not familiar with how they work in tandem with other muscle groups during some activities. For instance, although exercises such as the V-Bar Pull Up, are good for Lats and Lower Traps, as well as biceps improvement, they also trigger the chest.
- Competitors in strength and power sports, such as Strongman Competition and Olympic Weightlifting, understand that if you have muscular instability, problems such as finger fractures, osgood-schlatter disease and torn rotator cuff, can occur more frequently. That's why it is important to have a balanced view of exercise and diet, if you want to build more muscle.
A compound exercise is one which places emphasis on numerous muscles in order to carry out the movement (for instance the Jump Squat). Isolation exercises activate one specific muscle and therefore are great for correcting imbalances in strength.The muscle gain program most suitable for the demands of the bodybuilder attempting to increase strength might be a mix of compound and isolation movements.
The Key Element Of A Training Program
If you examine the training of athletes involved in strength sports, such as Weightlfting and Strongman Competition, you will notice that it is broken down into many different components. They train for absolute strength, along with speed. They want size, but also agility. Each muscle building workout is often highly specific, but the concepts of overload will be applied to each one of the parts of the athletic activity. This is what's often called progressive overload. If there's no progression, then your level of fitness will stagnate. Placing a safe form of stress on the Back and Posterior Deltoids can be carried out in numerous ways.
- Resistance: At the start, the ability to lift more weight in compound movements like the Cable Palm Rotational Row and Hack Squat, is the result of the recruitment of more motor units. This itself is caused by you increasing the resistance. Each motor unit encourages a multitude of muscle fibres to contract. Therefore, the more motor units the brain activates, the more muscle fibres will end up contracting, which will increase strength. Even more strength builds up owing to an increase in rising testosterone levels and in mitochondrial action in the muscle cells. These conditions also increase muscle bulk.
- Rest Periods: The rest periods taken in between diverse sections of a work out session is decreased.
- Total Work Performed: relates to the quantity of exercising undertaken possibly within a specific gym session, or during a particular training cycle.
One method of training the muscles with weights, that has been popularised by the Westside Barbell Club, is the Conjugate System. It is a system used by a number of of the world's elite level exponents of the squat, deadlift and bench press such as Oleksandr Kutcher. It uses an infinite amount of variation in basic exercises, such as the Chest Dip, in order to become a lot more powerful. It is quite simple to vary the Pull Up or any other upper body movement. There is the:
- the many different aspects in lifting a weight (the concentric part of the rep)
- the eccentric (lowering) stage
- variations in the speed the weight moves between the very first repetition of the set and the very last repetition
- the last portion of the exercise where you can squeeze your Back and Middle Trapezius
- degree of pre-engagement myotatic activation involved during the workout
- angle of attack (e.g. variation in body placement and angle the load is lifted)
- central nervous system engagement levels
This web site has lots of good info on back weight training. http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=137974223
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