To benefit from the optimal response from the Latissimus Dorsi and Rear Deltoids - execute the Pull Up under strict control and, for experienced people, add drop sets, pre-exhaust sets, and iso-kinetic work. It's essential to connect your brain and nervous system, together with your Latissimus Dorsi and Rhomboids, in order to really make the most with this sort of free weight movement. Lift the weight and then bring it back down with a slow rep speed (at minimum 5 seconds longer than it needed to raise the weight). Chances are you'll encounter lactic acid accumulation. This is a good thing and research shows that it can enhance production of Human Growth Hormone. The slower weight speed will engage additional muscle fibre and stop gravity and momentum suppressing the effectiveness of your Lats and Rhomboids training.

- If you want to look better at the beach, or boost athletic performance in sports like Shot put, Archery and Volleyball, make it a mission to strengthen the Lats, Rhomboids and Lower Traps.
- It can be amazingly tough to actually accomplish this, irrelevant of your body type or how fit you are. I know of many men and women who have tried and been unsuccessful.
- For many people, Latissimus Dorsi and Rear Delts develop better in response to free-weight exercises such as the Pull Up, when compared to other kinds of upper body movements.
- You are wasting your time comparing yourself to other people all the time. Everyone has natural tendencies to develop muscular strength as well as size at varying rates.

Understand more about pullups on this page.
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