- How strong your Lats and Middle Traps look is relative to various other upper body muscles. For this reason it is very important to balance your entire body by training with activities which use the contrary plane of motion to the Pull Up.
- 4-5 sets for each gym workout is all that is needed to trigger growth in your Lats and Subscapularis.
- The body will react better to higher concentrations of effort in smaller periods of time, instead of longer, slow fitness routines..
- A Body Part or Split strength enhancement program can often trigger overtraining.
- These muscles receive a good workout when performing a great many other upper body movements.
- Any time you place emphasis on just one particular muscle group, look at how to train it's antagonists also. To provide an example, if you did a certain number of sets of the Cable Chest Press for the chest muscles, complete a corresponding amount for the Incline Bench Cable Row (Rope Extension), to give an example, for your lats and middle trapezius.
- When you think about the muscular structure of the upper body, the Lats, Infraspinatus and Teres Minor play a huge role in body symmetry. So it's advisable to develop them to their highest potential.
- If it was easy to get larger and more powerful Latissimus Dorsi and Levator Scapulae, each and every person in the gym that performed a couple of sets of the Pull Up would have them. However it is not so easy. I have experimented with many different approaches to grow king size muscles but most of them don't work.
- Some people may be able to utilize the Pull Up to develop the upper body quicker than other people.
- Whichever way the Pull Up allows you to improve size and overall strength, don't neglect to check other areas of your strength training program and what you eat. You might find that increasing your vitamin D intake by 35% increases your gains.

Additional reading: http://www.t-nation.com/training/13064-pull-ups-in-5-months
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