- Absolute Strength: via higher resistance by increasing the load, or increased muscle tension.
- Intensity of Effort: usually reflects the quality of work done while training. A low intensity activity could comprise of working out with light weights and not going to failure. High intensity would require working up to (and beyond) your strength limitations. So employing basic compound exercises for large muscle groups, like the Belt Squat, for lower limbs, and utilizing weights over 85% of your 1 Rep Max. It is advisable to manage the intensity of your exercise sessions over your strength and physique enhancement program to reduce over-training and possible muscle and ligament damage.
- Frequency: how frequently a particular component of training is done. For instance, how frequently you train your abdominals.

Use The Pull Up To Maximize Substantial Strength Gains In The Latissimus Dorsi and Rhomboids
- Taking into consideration all of the upper body muscle groups, the Lats and Middle Traps have a tremendous impact on all sorts of physical activities, not just strength training. So make certain you develop them to their highest potential.
- To obtain Latissimus Dorsi and Rhomboids that get noticed, requires a good deal of near maximal effort during your gym routines. If you have ever attempted this you understand what I'm talking about.
- During the course of their exercise routines, some people find that, Lats and Subscapularis develop better when they use free-weight exercises such as the Pull Up, when compared to other types of exercises.
- In this regard, ectomorphs, might be at a slight advantage given that they are going to be ready for any kind of intensive strength training in the first place as well as have a physique that grows lean muscle very quickly.
In accordance with your training goals, you will either wish to:
- totally focus on the Latissimus Dorsi and Rhomboids on their own, if the goal in mind is to increase muscle size and definition, and / or
- work a lot more on building force through the exercise should your sole focus is to become more muscular.
Additional information: http://www.fitstream.com/exercises/
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