If you honestly want to supercharge muscle activation, try and take around 2 seconds on the concentric component of the Pull Up, but bring the weight back down even slower. 3-4 seconds more than you took to lift it will do. Apparently, it's the lowering of weights (the negative or eccentric component), that stimulates an anabolic hormonal response and enables you to hypertrophy muscles. It is your Latissimus Dorsi and Rear Deltoids you have to develop. So start off the movement utilizing them. Do not over enlist other muscle groups to shift the weight. Here is a great word of advice if you want to hypertrophy your muscles. Always attempt to make an exercise challenge the muscles more. With regards to the Pull Up, do all you can to resist the downwards inertia by lowering slowly and gradually, to the count of six. You will soon sense the burn of lactic acid inside your muscle tissues even though you may can perform countless faster-paced efforts. To obtain the most out of any upper body activity such as the Pull Up, move the load in a fashion that causes your Back to carry out the work. Not momentum, gravity, or other muscles.
An isolation exercise recruits one specific muscle or muscle group (for example the Cable Crossovers (bent over) for the pecs), whereas a compound exercise works on numerous muscles all at once, e.g. the Alternate Dumbbell Bench Press for the pectorals plus shoulder muscles and tricep muscles.Even if you are performing predominantly isolated muscle group movements, think big to begin with and complete the muscle building session with the smaller muscle groups.
The Most Important Component Of A Training Program
Try any kind of training system you want, but, if you do not progressively overload (increase the resistance, try to get more reps or do more work in less time, for instance), you probably won't increase overall sports performance, because hypertrophy necessities increased overload. Note that concept âprogressiveâ however - this implies that you must raise the training load over the course of several weight training sessions - not too quickly, but phase it in over the course of your muscle building and fat loss program! Here are several tips on implementing progressive overload:
- Load: It's possible to produce progressive overload through undertaking low repetitions with relatively heavy loads or by doing a high number of reps with comparatively light loads. In the Westside Barbell Method, low reps are employed by athletes that compete in strength based events, like Olympic Weightlifting and Strongman, to develop absolute strength. They max out every week on movements such as the Powerlifting Squat and Kettlebell Swing. They also use higher rep training in movements like the Close Grip Dumbbell Press to increase the size of muscles. Your assessment of your current levels of strength and conditioning must decide what types of loads you make use of.
- Recovery: This can be just as significant as training itself. Rest between weight training workouts is when all of the rewards of progressive overload build up. However, recovery time in between sets may be shortened to set-up a metabolic overload that creates an anabolic physiological response. Nevertheless, a word of caution. A major factor in your muscles' capability to tolerate high intensity workouts, is providing recuperation periods between sets in order that the muscles have plenty of time to renew their energy stores. That recuperation period will make it possible for the Lats, Rhomboids and Middle Traps to conduct high-quality reps every set. So take care to what level you decrease the recovery periods between sets. If you rest for just 10-30 seconds, then you are undertaking what is referred to as High Intensity Interval Training. Recovery periods in between sets of not less than two minutes afford your Back and Middle Trapezius ample time to get ready for the following set. For that reason, you ought to rest a couple of minutes between sets of the same movements and maybe one minute between exercises for different muscles (supersets), if you need to sustain a good training pace.
- Duration: refers to how long a workout may take, and is thus a lot more pertinent to aerobic training than resistance training.
Make certain you do a few sub-maximal (about 20-30% of 1RM sets of the Pull Up (or a similar multi-joint movement) before going all the way on the working sets. The Pull Up, like any other free weight movement, can only target your Lats, Rhomboids and Middle Traps if you get them to undertake most of the work. Unless you concentrate in this manner, you won't be training in a way that ignites an anabolic state. To protect yourself from injury, be sure you perform a number of sets using about 30% of your 1 Rep Maximum with a reduced speed earlier on in your strength and power training workout. This kind of concentration on the muscle tissue, instead of the amount of weight lifted will enable you to develop more power, size and strength in the long run. You actually force your muscle fibres to activate much more as soon as you focus on the negative (eccentric part) of the Pull Up. It is the ultimate route to develop muscle size and definition quickly.
More info: http://www.mensfitness.com/training/build-muscle/exercise-face-off-pull-up-vs-chin-up